Smart Linux Desktop Computing
We install Ubuntu and extra programs not included by default. Software needed for multi-user and specific hardware is also installed.
Groovix computers use Debian GNU/Linux software, an open source operating system with a full
set of programs and utilities that make our computers run. Debian GNU/Linux OS is supported by thousands of programmers worldwide.
In addition to the normal Debian software, Groovix machines include utilities to enable Simultaneous Local Independent Multiple users (SLIM) and easy media access. With Debian, you have access to thousands of software programs. While most of those programs will work right out of the box for you, it is impossible for us to test them all and give them our stamp of approval. We have chosen some of the best Debian software from each category and certified it so we can support you if you have any problems. Here is a list of the software supported by Groovix:
Official support for more programs will be added as interest and time dictate. Support for any other program is available with an enhanced support contract, please see the support page for details.